We are a family-friendly body that seeks to love and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
Join us this Sunday!
If you are a visitor or are considering a visit, we invite you to join us this Sunday! Our prayer is that you will experience the truth of God’s Word and the love of Christ in a new way when you worship with us.
At North Belt Baptist Church our desire is to share the Gospel with those who don’t have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to equip the saints for the work of the ministry by preaching the Word of God.

Join us this Sunday!
If you are a visitor or are considering a visit, we invite you to join us this Sunday! Our prayer is that you will experience the truth of God’s Word and the love of Christ in a new way when you worship with us.
At North Belt Baptist Church our desire is to share the Gospel with those who don’t have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to equip the saints for the work of the ministry by preaching the Word of God.